Zach's Photography

Welcome to my website!

Hi, I'm Zach!
I enjoy photography
I will put my photos


I'm off to camp this week. I'm going to have a lot of free time and hop to tak esome great photos, over the July 4th holiday i wa sable to take some great photos. I hop to post them here.

Cell phone

Some cell phone photography these days is becomeing very sophisticated. A DROID Incredible has an 8MP sensor. In addition it is becoming a "fad" in the photogrpahic industry to shoot series with cell phones or to have cell-phone only contests. How ever these phones often have little or now flash and extremely bad low-light perfomance. This leads to bad photographs. But "the best camera, is the one you have with you," so try to make the best out of your cell phone photography by purchasing applications that offer more controls and buy a cell phone with a decent sensor, my recomindation the MOTOROLA DROID X2.